# Component

Create component such as Navmesh, Rigid body etc.

Create navigation (-navmesh)

A mesh node with the -navmesh suffix will be converted to a navigation mesh. The original Mesh object will be removed at import-time.

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# Occluder

Create Occluder (-occonly)

If a mesh is imported with the -occ suffix an Occluder3D (opens new window) node will be created based on the geometry of the mesh, it does not replace the mesh. A mesh node with the -occonly suffix will be converted to an Occluder3D (opens new window) on import.

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# Rigid Body

Rigid Body (-rigid)

A mesh node with the -rigid suffix will be imported as a RigidBody3D (opens new window).

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# Vehicle Body

Create a VehicleBody (-vehicle)

A mesh node with the -vehicle suffix will be imported as a child to a VehicleBody3D (opens new window) node.

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# Vehicle Wheel

Create a VehicleWheel (-wheel)

A mesh node with the -wheel suffix will be imported as a child to a VehicleWheel3D (opens new window) node.

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Last Updated: 10/19/2024, 7:11:09 PM